The Impact of Sleep on Mental Health

Our sleep cycles have completely changed from what they were like decades ago. Between 24 hr news and media access, social media phone use, and on demand streaming services, staying awake at night has become a lifestyle. Shift workers typically struggle to get good sleep also due to disruptions in their circadian rhythm. It is estimated that 20% of the global workforce and 27% of workers in the US do not adhere to the traditional 9-5 work schedule and instead work varying shifts or part-time. While this may have become a new normal, it can cause serious mental health issues that were once not considered.

Mental health awareness is being discussed more than ever before, and it has a direct link to our sleep schedule.

The Importance of Sleep for Our Well-Being

We don’t feel at ease when we haven’t slept well. As you age, your body starts to lose its strength and the ability to bounce back quickly when you don’t sleep properly.

  • Not getting enough sleep can make us feel more stressed. You may start to feel negatively about yourself if poor sleep patterns persist. It can also make minor stressors unbearable at times. Setting a good sleeping schedule and routine is essential.
  • Sleep is crucial for the brain and body functions. It also helps us deal with daily life and managing our emotions.
  • Good sleep supports important cognitive skills like attention, learning, and memory. Self-care strategies can help to improve sleep.
  • It can be much harder to handle even small stressors when we don’t get enough sleep.

The Impact of Lack of Sleep on Mental Health

Here are different ways in which lack of sleep can impact your mental health:

The Impact of Lack of Sleep on Mental Health

Our brains need sleep in order to work their best. When we do not get enough sleep, we can experience brain fog. It can make us feel confused, forgetful, or unable to focus. If you have slept briefly, you will feel tired, lack energy, or may struggle to find the right words to describe your feelings and thoughts.

It can also become difficult to achieve set tasks. Even routine tasks can become really daunting when the brain is not functioning as expected.

Effect of Lack of Sleep on Mood

Lack of sleep may affect our temperament and lead to irritation and may have you snapping at loved ones. People who do not get sufficient sleep and rest often wake up feeling more anxious and depressed.

Lack of sleep may also eventually leads to feelings of anger and aggression.


Insomnia and other sleep problems can be signs of depression. However, not getting enough sleep might  actually lead to depression.  People with insomnia are twice as likely to develop depression compared to those who sleep well.


A reciprocal relationship between sleep and anxiety means that they can affect each other. Sleep disorders commonly accompany anxiety, and this makes anxiety even more aggravated if one does not sleep.

Lack of sleep can also increase the development of anxiety disorder, which will further affect your sleeping pattern.

Effective Tips Shift Workers Should Follow to Improve Their Sleep

If you are working the night or evening shift, then you must maintain your schedule throughout the week. This is also true for your off days which means you should go to sleep and wake up for the same duration every day. Understandably, this may be something you might buck against, but it helps to keep your bodily rhythm in tact.

  • Keeping a routine helps your body adjust to your sleep pattern, leading to better sleep.
  • If you sleep at night on your off days, your body clock may be thrown off, making it harder to sleep during the day when you return to work.

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can be tricky for people who change shifts often. So, they should try to gradually shift their sleep times a few days before their schedule changes. This can help their bodies get used to the new hours.

Final Thoughts

Sleep problems may also lead to serious mental health issues and difficulties at work. These difficulties usually include safety risks and lower job performance. Shift workers should try their best to manage a healthy sleep schedule to stay mentally and physically healthy.

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